Ram Nation gathers to aid flood-stricken residents in Central Texas

(June 3, 2015) SAN MARCOS, Texas — Ram truck owners will convergeD on storm-damaged areas in Wimberley and San Marcos, Texas, Tuesday to deliver supplies and help area residents recover from the devastating flooding.
Tad Agoglia, founder of First Response Team of America, directed the effort and led the caravan of Ram trucks into areas to distribute supplies. The First Response Team of America utilized a fleet of Ram vehicles and community restoration equipment to assist residents.
The day started at San Marcos Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, where Ram truck owners loaded needed supplies into their pickups’ beds. Then Ram owners proceeded to flood-stricken areas and helped with home site recovery and deliver food, water and cleaning materials.
Last week, Ram Truck and the FCA Foundation announced the donation of $100,000 to the First Response Team of America.
The Ram brand established a partnership with the First Response Team of America in 2012 to help communities across America respond to natural disasters. Since then, Ram — through the FCA Foundation — has donated more than $300,000 to First Response. As a result, Ram and the First Response Team of America have led similar collaborative operations in Tupelo, Miss., and Moore, Okla.
Ram Nation is a grassroots organization of like-minded people willing and ready to help people in need, such as those in flood-damaged Texas. Ram Nation volunteers haul supplies, deliver equipment, clear debris, distribute food and water, and even make donations that help people in their communities and around the world. New members can join Ram Nation at: www.ramtrucks.com/ramnation.