Prius best-selling vehicle in California in 2012

(October 20, 2012) LOS ANGELES — Toyota's expanded Prius hybrid lineup has surged past the Honda Accord and Civic, and Toyota Camry, to become the best-selling vehicle line this year in California, the biggest U.S. auto market, according to a report by Bloomberg News.

Ford's F-Series pickup, followed by the Camry, is the perennial U.S. sales leader among light vehicles.

Toyota, the world's largest seller of gasoline-electric autos, sold 46,380 Prius models to California consumers this year through September, according to the California Auto Outlook report, published by the California New Car Dealers Association.

In 2011, the Honda Civic was the top-selling car and light vehicle in California, with retail registrations of 37,475, followed by the Honda Accord, 36,619; Toyota Camry, 36,461; and Prius, 34,129.

Purchases of Prius models this year by Golden State drivers are 25 percent of the 183,340 Prius liftbacks, plug-ins, v wagons and c subcompacts sold in the United States.

Nationwide, the Prius line is No. 8 among the top-selling U.S. cars in 2012.

Source: Bloomberg