Pre-war Austin 7 annual rally is July 7

(March 13, 2013) LONDON — The 51st National Rally of pre-war Austin 7 motor cars, organized by the 750 Motor Club, takes place in the parkland on the Beaulieu Estate in Hampshire, on Sunday, July 7.

The Austin 7 was the first truly mass-produced British car and it changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of ordinary people by giving them the opportunity to buy an affordable car for the first time.  Between 1922 and 1939, some 290,000 were built and about 8,000 are thought to still be around.

Today, enthusiasm for owning an Austin 7 is as strong as ever and the rally attracts entries from all over the United Kingdom and Europe.  Whilst Austins form the core of the event, all pre-1973 vehicles of any other make are welcomed.

The venue makes the National Austin Seven Rally an ideal day out for all the family as Beaulieu is home to a wide variety of attractions and the rally entry ticket also gives access to the historic Palace House and gardens and the National Motor Museum.

This year there will be an exciting and spectacular display of Trials cars on the banking around the central arena.  The skills of the drivers will be put to the test as they tackle the scarily steep slopes — and there will be opportunities for brave passengers to have a ride.  Several 750 Motor Club "centers" will put on an entertaining display of their vehicles and activities and there will be a distinctly Gallic flavor on the stand, of the Tacot Club from Calais, coming en-masse to join the fun.

The event is sponsored by Warranty Direct and RH Specialist Insurers.  Full details and entry forms can be found at Gates open at 10am.