Study reveals 40% of Americans overpaid for gas in last month

(February 27, 2024) DALLAS — Americans love to hate gas prices, and it’s understandable after the last few years of heightened volatility at the pump. However, most drivers don’t realize that they have some control over how much they spend on gas. GasBuddy, a fuel savings platform, has released the results of its Pump Habits survey, revealing costly behaviors when it comes to filling up.

Key findings

    •    28% of Americans have run out of gas. Running on empty limits options for fueling up, causing drivers to overpay for gas. GasBuddy recommends drivers fill up when their tank is at least three-quarters empty to be able to find the best prices.

    •    76% have purchased gas only to drive by cheaper station moments later. Checking gas prices before filling up alone can save drivers over $250
on fuel costs every year.

    •    81% have a gas station they regularly go to. Often, purchasing gas from the closest or most convenient station isn’t the most affordable option. Drivers should keep their options open when choosing where to fill up and sign up for multiple loyalty programs.

    •    58% prefer to pay for gas with a credit card. While credit cards that offer cash back for fuel purchases can be a great option, other cards provide more flexibility and don't require annual fees or a credit check.

“Gas prices over the last few years have become increasingly unpredictable,” said Patrick De Haan, head of Petroleum analysis for GasBuddy. “But that doesn’t mean how much we pay at the pump is completely out of our hands. By paying attention to bad habits and utilizing a few tools available to them, drivers can save as much as $1 per gallon on every fill up.”

By falling victim to old habits including running on empty, not shopping around, and not taking advantage of loyalty programs, GasBuddy estimates drivers can waste a cumulative over $400 annually.

Methodology: GasBuddy’s 2024 Pump Habits survey was taken by 1,349 GasBuddy users from February 5 to February 12, 2024.