Rolls-Royce Phantom named 'Best Supernatural Driving Experience' by GQ

(February 6, 2018) The Rolls-Royce Phantom has been praised for offering the "Best Supernatural Driving Experience" in the GQ Car Awards, which were announced yesterday.

An independent panel of judges at British GQ recognized the other-worldly experience of traveling in New Phantom, which is the most silent motor car in the world and cossets occupants with its peerless magic carpet ride.

Bestowing the Best Supernatural Driving Experience award upon the New Phantom, British GQ wrote, “Rolls-Royce’s millennial reboot, the company airily declared back in 2003, was ‘the last great automotive adventure.’ The all-new Phantom doubles down on that and then some – simply put, this beautiful machine does nothing less than reinvent the concept of car travel.”

Jason Barlow, one of British GQ’s jurors, added, “The New Rolls-Royce Phantom embodies a number of qualities GQ looks for. As well as being an artful re-imagining of the entire Phantom concept, it also features numerous interior flourishes that are a testament to the unparalleled creativity of the company’s design team. It’s also a magnificently well-engineered motor car in the grand Rolls-Royce tradition. In fact the New Phantom sits somewhere beyond being a mere car, and has become a unique experience.”

Torsten Müller Ötvös, chief executive officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, said, “Our engineers and designers put in incalculable efforts to make the Phantom the most silent car on the road. From its self-leveling suspension, to its noiseless 6.75-liter V12 engine, the Phantom represents Rolls-Royce’s tireless pursuit of perfection and remains a truly dominant symbol of achievement. We are delighted that its supreme levels of refinement have been recognized by British GQ.”

The Phantom has been referred to by the world’s most prestigious and discerning critics as "the best car in the world," and has already been named ‘Best Luxury Car’ at the UK Car of the Year Awards and Luxury Car of the Year by Top Gear Magazine.

The 'supernatural' characteristics of the car are owed in part to its all-new aluminum spaceframe, self-leveling air suspension, 6mm two-layer glazed windows and more than 130kg of sound insulation.