California legislature seeks to reopen HOV lanes for electrics and hybrids

(August 13, 2010) A report in the Sacramento Business Journal notes that the California Senate approved legislation that would allow advanced technology vehicles, such as BEVs, plug-in hybrids and hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles, access to carpool lanes during commute hours until 2015.

Authored by Senator Leland Yee of San Francisco, SB 535 passed on a bipartisan vote of 28-3 in an effort to help jump-start sales of green vehicles.

Up to 40,000 new advanced technology vehicles including the Nissan Leaf and the Chevrolet Volt among others will gain access to carpool lanes. A number of car manufacturers are preparing to launch alternate fuel vehicles between now and 2012.

Under current law, full-electric vehicles and hybrids qualify for special access to carpool lanes during commute hours. Those programs are set to expire at the end of the year. The bill also would extend access to the HOV lanes by electric vehicles to 2015, and give basic hybrids another six months of access.

Once received, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will have 12 days to sign or veto the bill.

“It is imperative that we find ways to limit our carbon footprint,” Yee said in a news release. “SB 535 will provide a great incentive for car manufacturers to develop higher emission standards and for individuals to purchase greener vehicles.

“The governor’s signature of this will would significantly help jump-start sales of these green vehicles and encourage greater stewardship of our environment,” Yee added.

The previous carpool lane access program, which expires at the end of the year, led to the purchase of more than 100,000 hybrid cars registered in California.