Everything you ever wanted to know about asphalt
(December 12, 2012) LANHAM, Md. — The Asphalt Pavement Alliance kicked off its Asphalt FACTS campaign Tuesday to help raise public awareness about the many benefits of asphalt pavements.
"Every day, we all use asphalt roads without giving them a second thought. Most people don't understand how technologically advanced asphalt pavements have become and the important role they play in sustainable infrastructure," said Mike Kvach, executive director of the APA.
"Asphalt FACTS will help raise the awareness of those who use, buy, and design roads as to the benefits of smooth, economical asphalt pavements."
Ninety-four percent of the roads in America are surfaced with asphalt — and for good reasons. Asphalt creates the smoothest surface for driving, ensuring a quieter, more comfortable ride, as well as helping to optimize fuel economy. Asphalt roads can be built more quickly and cost effectively than other pavements, and they can be designed as a Perpetual Pavement that needs only periodic maintenance to remain in good shape practically forever.
"There are a lot of misconceptions about asphalt pavements, but the truth is they are an important part of environmentally responsible construction," said Kvach. "A wide range of recyclable materials — roofing shingles, ground tires, glass — are incorporated into asphalt pavements. Even more exciting is that when asphalt is reclaimed, that material is completely renewable and can be used to build new roads. In fact, asphalt pavement is the most recycled material in America."
The Asphalt FACTS campaign is centered on a new Web site, www.AsphaltFACTS.com, which highlights the truth about smooth, safe, durable, quiet, economical asphalt pavements.
The site offers a wealth of links to resources for more information. The site will be promoted through print advertising in trade magazines, social media campaigns, and other education efforts.
"The APA is excited to put the facts about asphalt pavements in front of the public and to get them thinking about the roads they use every day," Kvach said.