Per-capita Chevy Volt ownership impressive in some smaller states

(March 24, 2018) There’s a new infographic showing where the Chevy Volt is most popular in the USA. The popularity of this plug-in hybrid was determined on both a total volume basis and a per-capita basis for the graphic. looked at a 2-year window, 2016 through 2017 to collect the information.

Using analytics from the website, they studied where people who look for Chevy Volt repair parts reside, then compared that data with U.S. Census data to get the results.

"We weren’t too surprised to find the largest number of Volts are in California, both in total volume and on a per-capita basis," says Matt Mylan, director of

“What we didn’t expect to see was the substantial number of Volt drivers in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Even more surprising, was the per capita Volt ownership in D.C. and West Virginia where the populations are small.”

Here’s some fun facts about the Chevy Volt’s popularity in the US:

    • According to, West Virginia drivers could earn an alternative tax credit up to $7,500 for buying a Chevy Volt through Dec. 31, 2017.

    • also notes Washington, D.C. Chevy Volt owners were not only offered an alternative tax credit but models that get 40 mpg in the city were entitled to reduced registration fees. All D.C. Volt owners receive lower insurance rates for their hybrid.

    • Pennsylvania has the second most total Volt drivers in the US and ranks 4th per capita.

    • Although Texas ranks number 5 for total Volt drivers and Florida comes in at number 4, both the Lone Star State and the Sunshine State are so big they didn’t make the per-capita list.

    • reports that Michigan, a state that is represented twice on the graphic, does not have current state tax incentives. However, the state’s power companies do offer reduced rates to those who charge their cars during off-peak charging and a $2500 rebate if Volt drivers install an at-home charging station.