AutoTrader names top vehicle features for older drivers

(September 8, 2014) ATLANTA — For the lucky senior citizen who might be celebrating Grandparent's Day by pulling a new or used car into the driveway, AutoTrader's expert editors have some timely recommendations of in-vehicle features that will make the drive a little easier.

"Car culture was huge when the Baby Boomers were growing up, so it makes sense that as they get older, they're going to want to stay behind the wheel as long as possible," Brian Moody, site editor for said. "The technology and features available in vehicles now can do a lot to make sure older drivers are comfortable and safe."

While stereotypes may persist that these older drivers may not be as interested in the latest in-car tech features as their tech-savvy children, AutoTrader research says otherwise. In a recent study, 62 percent of B
aby Boomers (aged 48-66) say technology is an important consideration when shopping for a new car, compared to 61 percent of Millennials. Some tech features AutoTrader editors say older drivers should consider include backup camera, keyless entry, push-button start, power lift gate and an infotainment system that's easy to use.

"While older drivers can benefit from the features infotainment systems offer, like navigation and voice control, finding an interface that's intuitive and responsive is key," Moody said. "Make sure to thoroughly test out the infotainment system in every car being considered. Ask the salesperson for a detailed demonstration, and then make sure you feel comfortable operating the system yourself before driving off the lot."

Comfort and convenience features are also must-haves for older drivers. AutoTrader research found when deciding which vehicle to buy, driving comfort is more important to Baby Boomers than younger generations. AutoTrader experts say heated seats and power seats are good things to look for to help in this area.

"While heated seats are great on a cold winter morning, they can also help to ease pain and tension in the lower back at any time, and the good news is they're now much more common on lower priced vehicles," Moody says.

"In general it's important for everyone — not just seniors — to think about their lifestyles when shopping for a car. Considering the fact that the average age of a vehicle on the road is just over 11 years, it's good to make sure that the car you buy has the features you need not just right now, but in the future."